Wall of prayers

In the virtual bulletin board of our Shrine in addition to leaving a prayer to Our Lady of the Crown, you can write down memories, thoughts, feelings and emotions that you experienced in your experience of pilgrimage.

Advised that, while giving everyone the freedom to express themselves leaving a written record of their passage on this page, the interventions included in this section of the site will be moderated to prevent inappropriate uses of this space dedicated to all the faithful in compliance with the privacy policy.

  1. Drahá Mamka Maria, prosím Tá o požehnanie našej cesty , daj aby sme mohli zriet toto Tvoje sväté miesto

  2. Cara Madre di Dio, per favore prenditi cura del nostro A. in modo che guarisca e goda di nuovo della sua presenza J., dei bambini, dei genitori, di N. e di tutta la famiglia. Affidiamo la sua salute a te, Madre Benedetta. Ogni giorno preghiamo per lui

  3. Mary, please heal my nose hemorrhagic problems; and please help my family.

    Maria André,
  4. For a private intentions of Andrew Price and family Amen

    Andrew Price,
  5. Madonna fammi la grazia per mio figlio.
    Che torni in famiglia e riesca a crescere in pace con se stesso e con gli altri. Risana la nostra relazione e dammi la capacita di amare come hai amato tu

    Marzia Santori,
  6. Please pray for Annette. She is 81 and has health issues. She currently has a serious case of Covid. Thank you and God bless!

  7. Dear Church.
    Please consider my prayers:
    “First of all, I humbly give to our GOD, our Mother Mary, our Saints and Angels the greatest thanks from the bottom of my heart. Secondly, I pray for the expansion of our GOD’s Kingdom.
    Next, I would like to repeat my prayer of begging our GOD to guide and bring students to me without any of my advertisement and informing myself, especially for which classes I feel tired of.”
    Thank you so much, my benefactors.

  8. Our Lady, Please help me go to heaven to live there with The Blessed Trinity. Along with my husband, Mom, Dad, Brother and for the conversion of his fiancee.

  9. Our Lady, Please, help my with my special intention. Please.

  10. Holy Father let the pilgrimage of travel be filled with comfort and awe of Your creation. That my character radiate of Your love for all humanity. Open the doors to sanctuaries that are filled with Your presence that I may rest in You.


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